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Body & Life Therapy

Welcome to Body & Life Therapy 

Holistic Energy Healing Bodywork & Polarity Therapy Tramore, Waterford

Do you wish to feel better in your Body and Mind?

My name is Shane and I offer Energy Healing Bodywork & Polarity Therapy in Tramore, Waterford.

I work with people with a wide variety of challenges such as emotional and mental challenges, physical pain, illness & injury recovery, burnout, stress. I also work with people that are interested in energy work or just wish to feel more balanced, energised & connected in their lives.

energy healing therapy waterford

I invite you to read through the following pages and feel free to give me a call or drop me a line with any questions or thoughts you may have. 


Wishing you well ,

energy healing therapy waterford
shane guiry Polarity & holistic therapy

What is Polarity Therapy ?

Holistic Energy Based Bodywork Therapy

Polarity therapy is a natural and holistic form of therapy based on a variety of healing methods with energetic bodywork at its core. 

What are the Benefits of the Therapy I Offer ?

I work to resolve the problem that brought you to me specifically by tailoring the energy work to your needs and opening it up in conversation if needed. Although I aim to resolve what brought you to me there are some general benefits that result from the energy work also....... 

Balances the Mind & Emotions

Relaxation & Ease

Improves & Maintains Good Health

Creates more Balance & Connection

Increases General Well-Being

Deeper understanding of Self through Dialogue

Connection to your Own Self

Releases the Nervous System

Eases Symptoms of Disease

Promotes Healing on all Levels

Click the relevant link to find out more
energy healing therapy for emotional and mental wellbeing
energy healing therapy waterford
energy healing therapy waterford

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